Cameron Zakkour

About Me

When I got into Cal State Fullerton, I was a passionate and devoted Kinesiology major. After a few years of learning more about the health field, I found that it wasn't truly what I had expected it to be like, and I started losing this love I had for Kinesiology. While still in school, I discovered computer science from a few peers who showed me the possibilities that computer science has. I soon came to a realization that these possibilities are endless and this was a route I was more driven to follow.

I am now a software developer, with only a few months of coding experience but always willing to learn more about new coding languages in technologies.










Built with Javascript, HTML, CSS, Express, and SQL this project was built to mimick the Coachella Music and Arts Festival site but with a few different features. Within Camchella, the user is able to login to their account and view the festival's artist lineup for the year. The user can also 'favorite' an artist to save them to their account. Users should favorite an artist if they wish to see them at the festival, however, if the user favorites 2 artists that appear to be performing at the same time during the festival, the site will warn the user of the overlap.

Things I Live By:

-I am a great believer in luck, and I find that the harder I work the more I have of it.
-If it was easy, then everyone would do it.
-If opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.